Parting Words: Fight with Me (John 17:20-23)

Parting Words: Fight with Me (John 17:20-23)

In Jesus’ parting words, he says, “Fight with me. Fight with me by fighting for unity. Fight with me by relying on God alone. Fight with me by taking my words to the nations. Fight with me by being a people of prayer.” Continue

Parting Words: Breathe with Me (John 20:21-23)

Parting Words: Breathe with Me (John 20:21-23)

In John 20:21-23, Jesus invites us to breathe in the Spirit–inhaling life and infiltrating our being–in order to exhale life to the world around us. In other words, the Spirit transforms us into agents of creation. Continue

Parting Words: Come with Me (Luke 22:14-23)

Parting Words: Come with Me (Luke 22:14-23)

The Lord’s Supper detached from the story can feel just like a mid-service snack where you’re left craving more or even a little peanut butter. But when we realize that this meal defines us as a people, we start to understand the mystery of this meal: when we ingest it, it invites us to become the symbol itself. Continue

With Everything: The Full Extent of God’s Love (John 13)

With Everything: The Full Extent of God’s Love (John 13)

When does God show the full extent of his love? It is not to say that creation is not an act of God’s love, because it is. It is not to say the incarnation is not an act of God’s love, because it is. It is not to say the crucifixion is not an act of God’s love, because it is. Yet, there is only one time in the Bible where it describes an action with this designation, and it comes in John 13:1. Continue